What We Do

When it comes to something as important as your career or the future of your business, you’ll want expert advice and options appropriate to your situation. You can therefore trust Auricas. Our team has over 40 years’ experience of helping clients achieve measurable improvements in business, team and individual performance.

Auricas provides expert business consultancy and development training in three key areas: Business Growth/Change, Management/Leadership Development, Sales/Marketing.

Our primary focus is UK-based private sector companies of between 10-250 employees. We cover all market sectors and can deliver on a local, national and international basis as required.

With a wide range of options available to be tailored to your needs, timescale and budget, it’s worth finding out more.


Business Growth/Change

Independent opinion, expert advice and support for business leaders involved with business growth and business change. Consultancy, coaching and training options to suit your needs and budget and based on 40+ years’ experience.


A wide range of management and leadership development options are available. They provide the essential “tools to do the job” for new team managers and regular “tune ups” for experienced managers.


Bespoke sales and marketing options that deliver astonishing, measurable improvements in performance. The focus can be: winning new customers, increasing sales to existing customers, keeping customers for longer, increasing profitability, etc

Trust Auricas

  • Experience – 40 years’ experience: local, national, international, multiple market sectors
  • Expertise – Delivering measurable improvements in business, team and individual performance
  • Opinion – Fresh thinking and frank, unbiased opinions are usually what’s valued most
  • Advice – Bespoke advice tailored to you, your company, your situation and your budget
  • Ideas – Multiple options: Consultancy, 1:1 Coaching, Workshops, Open/In-House Courses

“Auricas consultancy and coaching has helped our business to grow by a staggering 50% in the last 12 months”

Lesley Morris Associates, Managing Director

“The coaching sessions we’ve had with Auricas have completely re-energised us. We have greater focus and greater confidence in terms of who we are, what we do best, who we should be dealing with – and who we shouldn’t! Amazingly, having stopped “rolling over” at every prospect/client request and explaining instead how we work and why (and even saying “No” occasionally), we are gaining far more respect and co-operation. In short, it’s put us back in control and in just over a month, this new approach has produced some spectacular improvements in business won with conversion rates up to 2:3 from 1:5.”

4D Design Ltd, Client Services Director

“I have found the monthly executive coaching sessions enormously useful and very motivating – the time has flown by! Having someone with your business experience but who isn’t part of our company provided the opportunity to talk openly about some of the real issues that were on my mind and it was good to hear an independent opinion. I feel re-energised, much more focused and we have already seen some measurable improvements in the business as a direct result of some of your suggestions and tips. In short, I am a more effective executive.”

Goldstar Heathrow Ltd, Managing Director

“We used Auricas at our most recent managers’ conference to excellent advantage. They delivered sessions that helped us underpin our key messages. The feedback was consistently good, especially as our recent experience of using external trainers has been mixed and there was some resistance to using an external team again. We’ve already booked to use Auricas again and I’m sure we will continue to do so.”

Lakeland Ltd, Buying Director

“Andrew Smith is one of those rare businessmen who can be utterly relied upon to produce results – consistently and to an exceptional standard. I have had the privilege of working with Andrew a number of times over many years now and I have learned a great deal from him. He is a natural coach, using a truly brilliant blend of his irresistible curiosity and his deep commercial acumen. Of all the many consultants, trainers and advisers I have experienced in my 30 years as a CFO, CEO and Chairman, I would put Andrew right up there at the top. Clients who use Andrew can 100% trust that he delivers tangible results. If your business needs to grow sales, margins and profits, get Auricas in as fast as you can.”

Collaborative Equity, Managing Director

“I am pleased to confirm that the exhibitions coaching was a great success – we achieved a 300% increase in leads generated compared to the same event last year as a direct result of the coaching. The methods you suggested also made it quick and easy to get the quality and quantity of information we needed.”

TRADA Technology Ltd, Deputy Marketing Manager

“I was astonished at how your simple, structured approach helped all the team improve and the majority to achieve a 100% success rate in converting conversations into appointments; as a team of 7, we also made 17 appointments in 30 minutes; extraordinary. Not only did we prove beyond doubt that your methods work but the team proved to themselves that they now have both the confidence and ability to achieve their appointment targets”

Links Life Sciences, Managing Director

“I have taken many sales courses over the years but our coaching with Auricas was by far the best. You gave us practical tips for real situations which we have been able to apply immediately and as a result, our sales pipeline for next year is already looking very good indeed. The investment involved will be repaid many times over”

Conference Contacts Ltd, Director of Sales

“The training had a direct impact on better sales habits and practices and in all instances, staff came away with more self-assurance and determination to focus on a few key areas of personal development; most importantly, it has contributed to the increase in sales performance we have enjoyed since the training.”

Citizen Systems Europe GmbH, Managing Director

“Considering you had a diverse group of people to work with different experience, doubts and expectations, we were delighted to hear that everyone who attended the course said they would recommend it to others. The Directors have also had feedback from the managers on the things they feel need changing/improving so we are beginning to see the increase in ownership and responsibility we are looking for; in fact, the Business Improvement Plan project they completed as part of the course will save us over £100,000 in fuel efficiency!”

Goldstar Heathrow Ltd, Managing Director

“Project Management training was recognised as essential, but finding something suitable wasn’t easy, as most are either far too theoretical or based on adopting new software / systems. Auricas was, however, different and we liked the down to earth approach and practical content of the course. The feedback afterwards was excellent – 100% of respondents said they would recommend it and all rated it in the good/great category”

H&C Contracts Ltd, Operations Manager

“Like many companies, our track record of appointing a successful sales person wasn’t good; in fact, we had stopped trying and were exploring other ways of generating sales. Your project led approach based on experience has significantly reduced the chance of costly failure and significantly increased our chance of finding a really good sales person. I anticipate this project will pay for itself many times over and would recommend it to others.”

Industrial Design Consultancy Ltd, Managing Director

“Expectations are now much clearer and we are really seeing the team respond and producing better results. I will also say it was enormously beneficial to be able to share my concerns and get advice from my course colleagues on a particularly difficult disciplinary situation. Based on personal experience, this is an excellent course for both MDs and for their up and coming managers that delivers real benefits”

Numerii Ltd, Managing Director

“I have already seen massive growth in key members of my team with increased willingness and ability to take on delegated responsibility and also to coach their own teams; this probably reflects my own increased confidence to change things and to delegate more to them rather than fall into the “it’s quicker I do it myself” trap. This course has helped us create a much stronger basis for future growth and has already led to measurable improvements; in addition, the Business Improvement Project developed during the course will also help us reduce costs on our data cleansing team, potentially saving over £30,000!”

True Gas Ltd, Head of Energy

“What am I doing differently? Three things a) I’ve been able to delegate a great deal to my team allowing me to focus more on priorities b) I’ve instigated the recommended monthly action plan meetings so my team are clear what to focus on and need to achieve and c) I better understand what motivates my team and am working with them to help them feel more valued within the business. The Business Improvement Plan completed using the guidelines provided could also help us produce an estimated additional £200,000 profit if the proposed changes are implemented!”

Acorne Plc, Category Buyer

“This was a very good and informative course; very clear and easy to understand. It’s helped me to become more structured in my approach and better at diary management i.e. doing less to do more! In terms of team management, I am listening more, taking more interest, praising more (where appropriate) and also delegating more. The ideas generated from our Business Improvement Plan could also produce an additional £40,000 sales income so I would definitely recommend this course to other managers!”

White & Sons, Associate Partner

“As a direct result of your work, we now have clear direction, clearly defined goals and key people who are now aware and have bought into their responsibilities for delivering those goals. The tips on monitoring and feeding back on performance were also invaluable as we can now check progress against objectives each month in a much more transparent way. Each person now has the ability to judge for themselves whether or not they are doing a good job, also making management so much easier. Overall, it has been an excellent experience and quite frankly, the whole atmosphere has changed in the office with everyone excited about the future.”

Peter Lole & Co Ltd, Managing Director

“As a construction-related industry, we have high pressure, long hours, demanding clients, not much time to think and a need to be ruthlessly organised. So, I was surprised that some of the main benefits came from helping me to be even more organised and self-disciplined – I have even achieved a clear desk! Finally, application of the creativity ideas has led to a project that could potentially save us over £10,000 – not a bad return on investment! Overall? Time and money very well spent and I recommend it”

Woodland Commercial Ltd , Construction Manager

“I am more organised and have more time to think and plan, we now have overall objectives linked into operational and departmental objectives and we are really flying in terms of improved performance – all in a relatively short period of time. This is genuinely a great course and one I would recommend to any manager, irrespective of experience – I wish I had done it 20 years ago!”

Henley Town Council , Town Clerk

“Thanks for a fantastic course – as an experienced (but untrained) manager, I didn’t expect to gain so much! Despite being extremely busy, the “little bit and often” approach worked well for me. Having worked on the course with managers with many different backgrounds, ages and experiences, I can thoroughly recommend the course to any manager keen to improve.”

HOH Oilfield Services Ltd , Operations Manager

“Collectively, we are more positive and focused. Managers in particular have a lot more ownership of their goals and I am already seeing more coaching conversations going on with their team members. We are taking minimum performance standards far more seriously and feel there is more commitment to the realistic targets. Our performance measures are now simpler and more effective, the effect being dramatic – in just one month, we have gone from only two of the team being on target to everyone being above target!”

Hinton Lea Associates, Managing Director

“I am delighted to confirm that the feedback has been excellent from the programme so far; in fact, it has already significantly changed the way that some people think and behave. It is no coincidence that during the time the programme has been running, we have achieved some impressive business improvements (most in double digits) as measured on a weekly basis, particularly in distribution productivity and dispatch.”

Lakeland Ltd, Operations Director

“I am approaching everything with more confidence and I am better prepared. It has fundamentally changed the way that I think and behave as a manager”

Penguin Events, Manager

“What I liked about Auricas coaching was there was no “bull” – you gave us real tools for real situations; as all our senior managers were involved in the coaching we now have a company-wide management platform that gives us a stronger basis for growth”

Carbosynth Ltd, Managing Director

“We chose Auricas for a number of reasons including the effort you made to understand our business and our criteria for selection plus the range of methods you were to use during the day to build a picture of the “real person” and whether or not they would emerge as team leaders or team members; you were also far more cost-effective than many other Assessment Centres”

Pharmalink Consulting Ltd, Head of Customer Care & Development

“I can testify to the fact that working with Auricas can make a dramatic and significant difference to bottom-line business results. Our 5-year objective at that time was growth to £2 million. However, as a direct result of your encouragement, guidance and advice, I can report that less than 8 months later, we are on track for achieving £2.25 million in just 1 year! In addition, I haven’t felt as relaxed and in control about what we are doing in the last 10 years.”

4D Design Ltd, Managing Director

“The days we fail are the days we learn most” – Toto Wolff, Head of Mercedes Motorsport


How Effective Is Your Sales & Marketing Strategy?

Winning more sales at less cost is achievable in a relatively short space of time; the trick though is knowing what to do, why, with whom, when, where and how.

Mind The Gap – Managing Change

Change can involve additional time, effort, money and stress plus doubt, fear and uncertainty to name but a few possible consequences.

10 Questions That Could Help Your Company To Increase Sales

However good your product, service or company reputation is, the quote, "Nothing happens until we sell something!" usually applies.

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