How Effective Is Your Sales and Marketing Strategy? You could you be saving £1,000’s and increase sales opportunities as well!

Winning more sales at less cost is achievable in a relatively short space of time; the trick though is knowing what to do, why, with whom, when, where and how to do it.

The problem is that the minute you mention anything to do with sales and marketing in a management meeting, everyone thinks they know what’s best – despite the fact that their core competence may be engineering or accountancy or computer science, for example. How would your Finance Director feel though if someone in sales or logistics said “This is how you should be running the finance department”? Point made, I think.

Another problem is that “going out to market” for individual services only leads to those suppliers focusing on what they can offer rather than taking a holistic view of what you actually need; digital marketing is one example of this, often promoted as the only solution rather than just one of the many options.

The fact is that despite best intentions, taking a “DIY approach” to sales and marketing could result in wasting £10,000’s and lost potential sales opportunities.

The alternative is to seek out the advice, opinion and ideas of an expert. You can certainly trust Auricas based on over 40 years’ experience of helping Directors to produce measurable improvements in business, team and individual performance. To illustrate the potential value we can add, how many of the following options are you even aware of, let alone use?

  • 12 different customer/prospect groups to target with tailored messages
  • 3 different buyer mindsets to recognise, target and adapt your messages to
  • 22 different ways to build a database of prospective customers
  • 26 ways of creating interest in who you are and what you do
  • 18 digital marketing options to deliver your messages
  • 15 non-digital marketing options to deliver your messages

We suggest that at least it’s worth risking a cup of coffee together to review what you are currently doing, where improvements can be made and whether we might be a “good fit” in terms of supporting your company. This initial meeting to explore ideas and opinions involves no cost or obligation so please get in touch.

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